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Countries are working towards universal health coverage (UHC) by building resilient and equitable health systems, and investments and innovation across the healthcare value chain can accelerate this progress. The value chain refers to the system and processes required to finance, develop, manufacture, and deliver treatments and technologies to patients. Strong supply chains are the backbone of value chains and ensure that materials, information, infrastructure, human resources, and partnerships across sectors are in place to achieve UHC. Rapid technological change in data science and artificial intelligence, health systems management, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and pharmaceutical manufacturing offer tremendous opportunities to improve the healthcare value chain. At the same time, these advancements are forcing supply chains to become more environmentally sustainable and responsible.GHSCS 2024 will highlight innovations across the value chain that move us towards UHC through keynotes and talks. As in previous conferences,

GHSCS 2024 will assemble experts from government, academia, NGOs and civil society, industry, donor agencies, and multilateral organizations to explore this theme. The organizing committee is particularly interested in capturing voices from the field to learn and share experiences related to the conference theme. Participants are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentations and posters on value chain innovations or supply chain’s role in UHC.

This year's Summit will take place at the Marriott Ikeja in Lagos, Nigeria from November 12-15. Site visits are planned for Day 1 with Summit sessions taking place November 13-15. 


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2025 Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan.